Beauty of a minute
This semester I had English and it was a very productive and memorable one. I learned how to read, write and understand poems. I also learned how to understand short stories and then answered reflective questions on them. Then, I learned how to write an essay and to always edit work multiple times before making the final copy. I also got the opportunity to go to cineplex to watch Black panther, Ready Player One, Avengers, and Jumanji. In addition, we were required to write about what our thoughts are on these movies, their differences, similarities, and their overall theme. Finally, I also read and studied Of Mice and Men as well as Romeo and Juliet. I wrote an essay on Of Mice and Men to apply the knowledge I have acquired throughout the semester. And that brings an end to the course which was an amazing year for me. I learned a lot and my knowledge has definitely been enhanced from when I started this course up till now.
Movies watched throughout the semester

Of Mice and Men

Romeo and Juliet
GRADE 12 - Blog
WOW, Grade 12 is finally here. Throughout this year I will be blogging my experience and learning opportunities in this class. You might ask why I have decided to blog my experience in this class? Well, firstly this was given to me as my ISU and it is worth 20% of my finally mark in the course. But, far more importantly I am very committed to this project as I see it as more than just an assignment, I see it as an opportunity for me to reflect and capture crucial moments throughout my learning experience. Furthermore, I have previously began this digital blueprint before but I lost motivation to continue to blog but with this ISU, I am able to continue to blog again and hopefully continue blogging even after the course is completed. - Enjoy The Blogs!!